Stickied/Infrequently reccurring polls on fetishes?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Might be good to have a list that can be multi-voted on, it would help authors determine interest as not everyone is comfortable being the first/millionth person to broach a subject and give people a place to specify what exactly it is turns then on about their fetishes/the specifics of their fetishes. It would give writer's a better insight into the target audience IMHO. 

I repeatedly attempted to post a poll, had problems. 

Poll options I wanted to put up, the brackets are the poll options, the stuff after is just to give people an idea of what I mean. Expanded here to help others pitch in their two cents about whatever kink they think has been underserved. Some of these kinks have been covered in TITS pretty well, others aren't as popular but still get attention, this is just to help people remember something they'd like to see that hasn't been put in yet or to focus on a specific part of the fetish that hasn't been addressed.

[Cuckolding/Netorare and Hotwifing/Dogging/Directed Cheating] with all the trimmings. creampie-eating, small penis humilation, stalking your cheating lover while they fuck or alternative. Make your lover/follower into your independent hotwife, your submissive public cum dump or your "cheating" spouse who actually manipulates people into believing they're the other woman/man when they're the 17th you've had seduced, fucked and rated/humilated by their peformance or even suprised during in the act for  butt sexings when they're balls deep and knotted in your dirty missus/mister.
[More fluid exchange.] Stick in a funnel in a trap's butt and let a crowd feed her butt! Watch your bartender whip up a cocktail with a splash of genuine organic cowgirl Milk, a little bit of Irish mist or Cointro, a dollop of "morning wood" precum from an imported Futa or just enjoy that tropical cocktail with a splash of kitty juice squirted right into the tall glass on bar while you watch!
[More innocent/naive characters] learning is fun, teaching is better! If they're human, it could be fun testing all sorts of crazy TF items on them.
[More lesbian oriented scenes. - Related - More Butch women?] Chubby delicious thighs framing a soppy cunt you can be smothered in AND an ass you could bounce a quarter off? Count me in, fisting, squirting, tribbing and les-fem-dom is the bee kneeeees~
pPetplay!!!! Naked strolls on leash in the park for breeding? Yus plz!] How about being strapped into a breeding bench set up behind a futa bar or being sent door to door each night to lap "milk" up out of the bowls left out by "generous, kind-hearted" people. ^_^  
[More tentacles, gooey-love, unusual body types like say dragons.] I miss Ember from CoC, she was both an interesting species and an interesting character psychologically!
[You forgot about Poland! Missing your fetish? Tell us what it is and we can try to get it added in or modded into an existing poll option. "



Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
You know, you could just make a strawpoll.

Here, as an example:
Wouldn't it be easier to host it here for ease of modification? Furthermore a poll on here would be attached to a thread, allowing detailed responses in the comments that could be used to update poll with new fetishes/modify ones already there. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wouldn't it be easier to host it here for ease of modification? Furthermore a poll on here would be attached to a thread, allowing detailed responses in the comments that could be used to update poll with new fetishes/modify ones already there. 

It would, but I don't know how to set up forum polls.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Nnnno writers should writer whatever they like, no dumb pressure from what some fifty random dudes want, lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Nnnno writers should writer whatever they like, no dumb pressure from what some fifty random dudes want, lol.


Pressuring writers into writing material that they don't really like or feel for results in lackluster writing, at best.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
More importantly, however, the people that pal around the forum are an insignificant portion of the playerbase. They're barely a portion of the writers.

Shit the same is true of the blog, even. Though less so of the latter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
[You forgot about Poland! Missing your fetish? Tell us what it is and we can try to get it added in or modded into an existing poll option. "

Umm what you want from polish fiolks I wonder? Can you elaborate something more about this part of your post please?

As for others replies above. I do like see this or other fetish more but it's up to writers what they will write, cuz that makes them write it with mind-blowing quality cuz their enjoyed wiritng it and wasn't forced to write something, so quality of that ended been low or really low.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
It's a map-game meme joke, I believe. Civilization specifically and so forth.

It's a bad joke, mind, but all the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While I wholeheartedly concur on the "if you force writers to write x, chances are it will be utter garbage/will never come to be" issue, it wouldn't be a bad idea if we had a single thread which housed wishes, suggestions and the like. Many would see it as a trash dump (blabla ideas are cheap blah), but... Back on the old forum, there was a "what don't you like from fetishes you like?" thread and someone commented on it that it was a good tool to see fetishes from a different point of view.

Concerning Spritely's questions...

*I'm not interested in an xdom in particular, but I like dom (and sub, and switch...).

*I don't like cheating-related issues.

*I like fluid exchange from source.

*I'm not interested in overtly innocent characters-espec-especially if th... they stu-stut... oh, please, miss, don't look at me that way~

*I'm fine with lesbianism but not with fisting.

*Petplay from any point of view's welcome. I'm not into leashes or sucessful breeding, though.

*Yay for tentacles and odd body shapes. Nay for tsunderes.

*Do you want to know about my kinks? That'd deserve a thread of its own.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But not with fisting

</3 no love for fisty (granted that's not one of my fetishes but still relevant :3)

But uh as for 'writers free choice' yes and no, people should not be pressured into making a character for the broad fetish because it's what the majority want, but some slight direction can also work so they aren't just making it for themselves and a few others, just nudge them towards greatness, help em make the best waifu/master/slave/fuckbuddy/slut they can!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
</3 no love for fisty (granted that's not one of my fetishes but still relevant :3)

But uh as for 'writers free choice' yes and no, people should not be pressured into making a character for the broad fetish because it's what the majority want, but some slight direction can also work so they aren't just making it for themselves and a few others, just nudge them towards greatness, help em make the best waifu/master/slave/fuckbuddy/slut they can!

Not trying to pressure anyone, that wouldn't be point of the thread. Just trying to create an extra resource writers could draw from when they need some inspiration, the thread isn't called "What fetishes should be put in the game?" it's called "What fetishes would you like to see?"

It's a map-game meme joke, I believe. Civilization specifically and so forth.

It's a bad joke, mind, but all the same.
Needed an option in case I forgot some fetish, etc. It's actually from an old U.S election. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
*I'm not interested in overtly innocent characters-espec-especially if th... they stu-stut... oh, please, miss, don't look at me that way~

But it balances out the utterly slutty ones that spread their legs, fluids liberally gushing from their quim, and yell "FUCK ME NOW!"
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
>Not interested in Embry.

Side Note: Ember, Embry, Emmy, I swear I'm going to get them confused in a post one of these days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But it balances out the utterly slutty ones that spread their legs, fluids liberally gushing from their quim, and yell "FUCK ME NOW!"

It does indeed. Whether I'm interested interested in them or not is a different issue altogether! Now, I'm not overtly interested in desperate characters either. But they come handy at times. The message of this story? Balance is important, and your Steele might want a quick fuck as much as sitting down and cuddling with someone.

Also, blame on real life for not liking fisties.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@JimT: I'm going to name my special snowflake Emma.