Den of Scum and Villainy: Ash


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Created a new thread such as not to clutter up the Pyrite Station one. 

Ash so far: 

Ash, the Mod Dealer
The shopkeeper stands a diminutive five foot one, extremely short for a Sionach male. You might be tempted to hug him, if it wasn't for the eye-gougingly neon tattoos incised into his fur. The angular designs glow a virulent acid-green, like something from the set of a bad horror movie. Some instinctive part of your brain yells at you: Poisonous, stay away! 

Flicking one battle-scarred ear amusedly, the black-furred Sionach beckons you with one of three phosphor-tipped tails, leaning on the counter with one arm. "Come in, stay a while. What's the phrase? I don't bite. Much." He smiles, showing pointed canines. 

{Tech Specialist: Your gaze falls to the laser pistol he carries in a hip holster. It's obscured by his coat, but you're pretty damn sure most holdouts don't come with capacitors or focussing lenses like those. With those custom mods... You wouldn't be surprised if it could punch through steel. Highly illegal of course, but he's already selling things that'd get him in far worse trouble.}/

{Smuggler: You can't help but notice the odd way his coat hangs on his body, weights in odd places pulling the fabric taut. People wearing coats like those have pulled compact Hardlight weapons on you before. Between that and the laser pistol in the holster by his side, you wouldn't be in a hurry to pick a fight with this guy.}/

{Mercenary: You consider the shopkeep's half-missing ear and his subtly tense stance, then the well-worn laser pistol in his hip holster. You've seen a lot of gangers and pirates with gaudy tattoos, but between this guy's calm demeanour and his battle scars...  He looks more than a cut above your average street thug.}


> You Don't Bite? 
The Sionach shopkeeper shrugs. "Heard it from some girl. Whenever I say it, it either annoys somebody because it's cliche, or intrigues somebody 'cause they think it's original. Win-win." He tilts his head. "Then again, most people who say it don't have teeth that can draw blood." He smiles, putting his fangs on display again. 

> What if I want to be bitten? 
Ash's eyes flare with radioactive light, and he looks at you appraisingly. "You should know I've got Dzaan gene-mods, so you'll probably be wanting to come back for seconds. Sure you don't wanna back out?" He clicks his fingers against the counter as he waits for your answer, an 'I dare you' grin sliding over his face. 

[Chicken Out] [Bite Me] [Dzaan?]

(Ash sells illegal mods, including some (like his tattoos) that he developed or edited himself. He's tangentially in touch with the nastier side of Xenogen, providing them with 'genetic samples' he's obtained by illicit means. Occasionally those 'genetic samples' are people. )

(Sexually, Ash is an ass of a switch. If he's subbing, he back-talks, refuses commands, and generally enjoys sassing Steele. If he's domming, he's possessive and controlling. This tendency of his is less bad if Steele doms him in return, but a very submissive Steele might end up getting unwanted gene-mods from a long-term relationship with Ash.) 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I really like this character. Short, dommy and daring pushes my buttons.

Did he do any mods to his genitals? Maybe a Dzaan addictive cum thing to replace the Red myr thing?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I really like this character. Short, dommy and daring pushes my buttons.

Did he do any mods to his genitals? Maybe a Dzaan addictive cum thing to replace the Red myr thing?

Replacing it as we speak. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Do you think him being an Ausar is for the best or have you considered a different race?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Do you think him being an Ausar is for the best or have you considered a different race?

This is a good point... Ausar is a bit overused. I mean seriously there's at least a dozen other races in game to choose from.


Aug 27, 2015
All I will say is that if you aren't particularly inspired by male characters, you shouldn't try writing one, certainly not as your first project. Don't feel pressured into doing it just because others have clamoured for it in the other thread, I can guarantee you won't finish it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As one of those supposedly clamouring individuals, I wholeheartedly agree with Nonesuch on this. You should only continue with this idea if you do feel inspired and interested in it. If the character being male is the hang up - to hell with it, that part isn't really crucial. If the whole concept is not to you liking - screw it, you don't owe anybody anything.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
This is a good point... Ausar is a bit overused. I mean seriously there's at least a dozen other races in game to choose from.

Insects aren't my thing, and I'd like the dude to be obviously-a-dude, which rules out Nyrea, Kaithrit, etc. Female-only races like the Rahn and Vanae are also excluded for obvious reasons. 

... That said, I could totally make him a two or three-tailed Sionach. Still a canid, but not an Ausar. Also, then I can make his tails and eyes glowy. (And his subby weak point!)

Re: Nonesuch:

Firstly, this isn't my first project: I won't be dedicating any serious resources to this until Zil-Stealing is done. 

Secondly, I like having people actually read my stuff. Just saying. 

Thirdly: Do you really think I'd write up even this much if I seriously disliked the idea? :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I wonder, is starting a new race with a character an acceptable? If so, it could be a good idea (even if making a race could and will be touted as a dangerous idea, almost on par as people suggesting dwarf planets and the like!). If not, what about, God forbid, choosing a mutated human? Or anything else perhaps... Do we know how an orchan looks like already? How about samarins?

Leaving insectile and female only/feminine-looking (not that we can't have bishie lads around!) races aside, we have the likes of, according to Smutosaur and if I'm not wrong, anatae, fanfir, gabilani, kui-tan, lapinara, laquine, naleen, raskvel, simii, sionach, thraggen, tove, wretraxxel...  and whatever Yammi, Aurora, Dr. Badger, Dr. Lash, the Queen of the Deep, Sellesy and Shelly are. So there's no need for another Mr. Woof Woof unless you want him to be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I wonder, is starting a new race with a character an acceptable? If so, it could be a good idea (even if making a race could and will be touted as a dangerous idea, almost on par as people suggesting dwarf planets and the like!). If not, what about, God forbid, choosing a mutated human? Or anything else perhaps... Do we know how an orchan looks like already? How about samarins?

Leaving insectile and female only/feminine-looking (not that we can't have bishie lads around!) races aside, we have the likes of, according to Smutosaur and if I'm not wrong, anatae, fanfir, gabilani, kui-tan, lapinara, laquine, naleen, raskvel, simii, sionach, thraggen, tove, wretraxxel...  and whatever Yammi, Aurora, Dr. Badger, Dr. Lash, the Queen of the Deep, Sellesy and Shelly are. So there's no need for another Mr. Woof Woof unless you want him to be.

*Points at her earlier post*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
*Wonders if "could totally make him" is now a synoym of "will make him", or if "serious" does not include picking up a race.*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just remember the guy called Gene on Myrellion, who also sells mods >_>
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
*Wonders if "could totally make him" is now a synoym of "will make him", or if "serious" does not include picking up a race.*

The former. :p

(I mean, if I were to invest some serious time into him I might give him a couple bodies to choose from. Because, y'know, modder hobbyist who practices on himself. But Sionach as a base form works very nicely for me.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Insects aren't my thing, and I'd like the dude to be obviously-a-dude, which rules out Nyrea, Kaithrit, etc. Female-only races like the Rahn and Vanae are also excluded for obvious reasons. 

... That said, I could totally make him a two or three-tailed Sionach. Still a canid, but not an Ausar. Also, then I can make his tails and eyes glowy. (And his subby weak point!)

Re: Nonesuch:

Firstly, this isn't my first project: I won't be dedicating any serious resources to this until Zil-Stealing is done. 

Secondly, I like having people actually read my stuff. Just saying. 

Thirdly: Do you really think I'd write up even this much if I seriously disliked the idea? :p

Glad to hear that. If you do want to continue this project, at least for now, I'm fully on board.

Anyway, Ash's race: fox-person should work just fine, kitsune-like person doubly so. I still find the portrayal of Kaithrit in TiTS weird since male cats are usually mean bastards, but I'm not sure if making a character that subverts racial standards will fly. 

Quote said:
Vic is effectively daring Steele to fuck him in the third interaction: anybody who isn't willing to risk his teeth doesn't have the guts to be worth his time, in his opinion. 
Quote said:
Vic's a total scumbag, but not exactly a thug. That said, put him into a fight and he will probably win. I was going to write a little section of description based on character class to make that more obvious.

(Smugglers notice the knives he's got hidden on his person: Mercs notice the way he watches his environment and consider how he lost half an ear: Tech Specialists notice the illegal mods he's done to the energy pistol he's got at his hip.)
You may want to include those things in your OP, because they are cool and relevant.  Also, after thinking about this, having a good character-related reason for abiding by Fen&co rules regarding content warnings is great.
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Aug 26, 2015
I still find the portrayal of Kaithrit in TiTS weird since male cats are usually mean bastards, but I'm not sure if making a character that subverts racial standards will fly.
Now now, let's not misrepresent them.  Every female cat I've ever met was a mean bastard too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In case of finding one race not fitting all req it can be take Saendra approach: picking two races. Mmake him cross of them, so we can take something like natural attitude of one and apearance of other or other way mix both races characteristics to make him fit your vision.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah hybrid races are the solution to issues involving too many characters that are already of a certain race flooding the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Until everyone's half kaithrit/half-ausar in order to justify giving everyone both knots and spines on all of their cocks.

I think Savin IF he want, would make sure to not allow many/any more of kaithrit/ausars hybrids ingame. Then again knot is an easy explainable, that the npc also took TF for knots, so no need to make them half dog for it.