“A war is being rage across Mareth however it is a war of shadow. It is a war of demons. The five demon lords wage war on each other through their follows and beasts. Who are they you ask? Sit down and let me tell you, maybe you'll live longer. Lethice the Lady of Lust is the most well-known, and many people assume only, of the demon lords. With her around we must watch our backs friend, you never know if the people on the street will rape you if given the chance. Not only does she cause the beings to go into a lust craze but she also has an army of succu, incu, and omnibus's at her beck and call. Juiblex the Lord of Nothing, on the other hand is the most unknown of the lords. Don't let his title fool you; he is just as powerful as the rest. What does he want? Boy he wants to make every last being on this world a part of him, even if we don't want to be. Not many people follow him but slime's will do anything he says, a very dangerous phenomenon. Orcus the Prince of Undeath, one of the more aggressive of the lords then again he can afford to be, what with him being undead and all. As his title states his realm is undeath making one of the strongest of the lords, if only since he and his followers are hard to kill. He hates the living so much that he will kill us all just because were ugly in his eyes. If you find yourself in lands under rule, don't stay out after sundown, trust me it's not fun. Zuggtmoy the Lady of Rot, aside from Juiblex she is the most patient of the lords. She sees this world as a garden to plant her beloved fungus. She won’t stop until every living thing is infected by her spores. Last but not least we have Yeenoghu Lord of the Wild. All he wants to do is have everything kill everything. The savages of the world flock to him, what his forces lack in skill they make up for it in effort and rage. Beware his lands most of all! While the others have their dangers none are as numerous as Yeenoghu’s, even the plants will feed on flesh given the chance. Remember lad the best way to survive is to have a sharp eye and a quick sword arm.”
Hello people, if you’re down here then congrats! You made it through an exposition dump. Now on to the meat of the matter. For this game the players shall be dragged to Mareth by the lovely demon lords you heard about. Now you may be asking yourself “why” the answer “Their demons they want to make chaos.” Now since there are five demon lords that means five players, if a sixth person make a good case as to why their character should be added to the story then I’ll let them in but no more than that. By this point I bet your asking “What’s the point of this?” The point is to spread your lord’s influence more than the other players. This can be done many ways and is up to the players how to do it. For example say the champions of Zuggtmoy and Yeenoghu are walking down the street and see a beggar. The champion of Zuggtmoy might help him out by giving him money that has spores dusted on them, so he will fall under your master’s spell. The champion of Yeenoghu might encourage the beggar to leave the city and carve out a life in the wild.
Setting: The game takes place on Mareth and will start in Tel'adre, since the city is a neutral zone. Just so you know the forest and mountain zones are the border for Lethice’s area, the swamp will lead you to areas controlled by Zuggtmoy, and the plains will lead you to places controlled by Yeenoghu. It also should be known that while each lord will have unique enemies and races in their areas they will also have repeat one as well. Using the three lords above as examples, it’s safe to say that each will have forests and in those forests will be Beegirls. However since the demon lords have different influences will affect the Beegirls differently. If it’s in Lethice’s area she will be curvier and will want to have sex with you more than anything. If she is in Zuggtmoy’s area she will be less curvy but still wanting to get in your pants but for a different reason then her counterpart in Lethice’s forest. Then there is the Beegirl in Yeenoghu’s forest, she would be more of an amazon build and she’d be the least likely to have ‘fun’ with you.
Combat: For now this will be simple until I get some inspiration. For now here’s how it will work. Each weapon will give you a modifier, say a sword gives you a +3; you would roll a d20 for an attack it would look like this. (Loss rushes forward to slash at the gnolls sword arm (12+3=15 vs 16+0=16) the gnoll barley moves his arm in time and tries to stab the human (1+0=crit fail) the gnoll slips and falls allowing Loss to stab him through the head) This might change over time. If Loss had won that first attack the gnoll would have gained a penalty to attacking with that arm. There is no real health points in this game you could win in one turn or it could take ten, it depends on how you and your opponents react in battle. Magic works a little bit different, if you just learned a spell you get no mods to your roll the more you use a spell the easier it will become to use. Lust will also work like this with a few twists, for example you could seduce an enemy then put a dagger in his ribs, or your lust attack can fail right off the bat.
When it comes to the interaction between you and your lord it is very open. You don’t have to be the perfect solder and can be rebellious with them. However if you do something that sets their plans back you will be punished, on the other hand if you do good by them they will gift you with new abilities and weapons. Also since this is CoC RP there can be sexy fun times, just be careful of who you go after never know who they really are
Demon Lords: This is to give you a heads up on how the lords act and might react to your choices.
Lethice: lustful, coy, flirtations. Likes: sex, spreading sex, corrupting innocents. Dislikes: prudes, Orcus, violence for no reason
Orcus: brooding, nihilistic, grumpy. Likes: undeath, silence, domination. Dislikes: sunlight, living things, messes
Zuggtmoy: patient, cunning, lonely. Likes: Fungi, decay, gardens. Dislikes: anything that hurts her gardens, fire, bad weather
Yeenoghu: brash, violent, angry. Likes: killing, eating, destroying. Dislikes: order, civilization, Lethice
Juiblex: calm, patient Likes: survival, consuming others, slimes. Dislikes: rushing things, non-slimes, Zuggtmoy
Character sheet: Name
Gender (You may be Herm if you want)
Body (You may put things like bust size, cock size, hair, eyes and other such things)
Your Demon Lord (I run on a first come first serve policy, you may pm me which lord you want and I will hold them for you and remember pick the lord you think will be the most interesting for your character to work for.)
Background (Be sure to include what your character is doing before being sent to Mareth)
The game it self will take place in another room that will posted after I got the players. If you have any questions please ask.
Yeenoghu, Juiblex, Zuggtmoy and Lethice have been taken. The champions have been chosen.
Hello people, if you’re down here then congrats! You made it through an exposition dump. Now on to the meat of the matter. For this game the players shall be dragged to Mareth by the lovely demon lords you heard about. Now you may be asking yourself “why” the answer “Their demons they want to make chaos.” Now since there are five demon lords that means five players, if a sixth person make a good case as to why their character should be added to the story then I’ll let them in but no more than that. By this point I bet your asking “What’s the point of this?” The point is to spread your lord’s influence more than the other players. This can be done many ways and is up to the players how to do it. For example say the champions of Zuggtmoy and Yeenoghu are walking down the street and see a beggar. The champion of Zuggtmoy might help him out by giving him money that has spores dusted on them, so he will fall under your master’s spell. The champion of Yeenoghu might encourage the beggar to leave the city and carve out a life in the wild.
Setting: The game takes place on Mareth and will start in Tel'adre, since the city is a neutral zone. Just so you know the forest and mountain zones are the border for Lethice’s area, the swamp will lead you to areas controlled by Zuggtmoy, and the plains will lead you to places controlled by Yeenoghu. It also should be known that while each lord will have unique enemies and races in their areas they will also have repeat one as well. Using the three lords above as examples, it’s safe to say that each will have forests and in those forests will be Beegirls. However since the demon lords have different influences will affect the Beegirls differently. If it’s in Lethice’s area she will be curvier and will want to have sex with you more than anything. If she is in Zuggtmoy’s area she will be less curvy but still wanting to get in your pants but for a different reason then her counterpart in Lethice’s forest. Then there is the Beegirl in Yeenoghu’s forest, she would be more of an amazon build and she’d be the least likely to have ‘fun’ with you.
Combat: For now this will be simple until I get some inspiration. For now here’s how it will work. Each weapon will give you a modifier, say a sword gives you a +3; you would roll a d20 for an attack it would look like this. (Loss rushes forward to slash at the gnolls sword arm (12+3=15 vs 16+0=16) the gnoll barley moves his arm in time and tries to stab the human (1+0=crit fail) the gnoll slips and falls allowing Loss to stab him through the head) This might change over time. If Loss had won that first attack the gnoll would have gained a penalty to attacking with that arm. There is no real health points in this game you could win in one turn or it could take ten, it depends on how you and your opponents react in battle. Magic works a little bit different, if you just learned a spell you get no mods to your roll the more you use a spell the easier it will become to use. Lust will also work like this with a few twists, for example you could seduce an enemy then put a dagger in his ribs, or your lust attack can fail right off the bat.
When it comes to the interaction between you and your lord it is very open. You don’t have to be the perfect solder and can be rebellious with them. However if you do something that sets their plans back you will be punished, on the other hand if you do good by them they will gift you with new abilities and weapons. Also since this is CoC RP there can be sexy fun times, just be careful of who you go after never know who they really are
Demon Lords: This is to give you a heads up on how the lords act and might react to your choices.
Lethice: lustful, coy, flirtations. Likes: sex, spreading sex, corrupting innocents. Dislikes: prudes, Orcus, violence for no reason
Orcus: brooding, nihilistic, grumpy. Likes: undeath, silence, domination. Dislikes: sunlight, living things, messes
Zuggtmoy: patient, cunning, lonely. Likes: Fungi, decay, gardens. Dislikes: anything that hurts her gardens, fire, bad weather
Yeenoghu: brash, violent, angry. Likes: killing, eating, destroying. Dislikes: order, civilization, Lethice
Juiblex: calm, patient Likes: survival, consuming others, slimes. Dislikes: rushing things, non-slimes, Zuggtmoy
Character sheet: Name
Gender (You may be Herm if you want)
Body (You may put things like bust size, cock size, hair, eyes and other such things)
Your Demon Lord (I run on a first come first serve policy, you may pm me which lord you want and I will hold them for you and remember pick the lord you think will be the most interesting for your character to work for.)
Background (Be sure to include what your character is doing before being sent to Mareth)
The game it self will take place in another room that will posted after I got the players. If you have any questions please ask.
Yeenoghu, Juiblex, Zuggtmoy and Lethice have been taken. The champions have been chosen.
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